Although some might miss that focus on the history of science and classic experimental designs, I appreciated that this led to a decrease in the number of pictures of what my students have deemed old white men doing very serious science, which can feel almost constant in other introductory texts. Each chapter subsection starts with 3-5 clear and concise learning outcomes. I compare the chapter from Biology 2e to both the first edition Openstax Biology and a traditional introductory text from a major Biodiversity chapter information (e.g., Table 28.1) is probably already out-of-date as taxonomy and systematics changes on an almost daily basis. I did not notice any bias towards or against historical studies, current topics, research, or ideas made apparent. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. However, I wonder if there might be a better way to organize some material. A few are important to correct, especially given that we push students to understand the need for precise use of science terminology and vocabulary (e.g., Section 34.2 is titled "Nutrition and Energy Production," which might confuse a student who has learned that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed."). cellular respiration or molecular genetics) will rely on knowledge gained from the chemistry and cell focused parts, so naturally in distributing the subject matter among several courses proper sequencing of those courses in the curriculum is desirable. This text is a nice way to help students organize those core ideas, all in one place. If an extensively updated version was available which also addressed some of the other concerns noted earlier I would definitely adopt this textbook in my majors biology sequence. Reviewed by Irving Allen, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 6/10/15, This is a very comprehensive textbook that provides an appropriate balance between the different fields of biology. A suggested and testable explanation for an event is called a ________. 6. Our young women need more role models in the STEM fields. In fact, throughout the textbook, bacteria are mentioned in contexts where bacteria and archaea should both be included. In general, the content to me felt like a classic introductory biology set of material. My major complaint is that many of the figures were small in my browser, with no way I could find to be enlarged, except for right-clicking and opening them in a new tab. For example, in 4.1 Studying Cells, one learning outcome is "Describe the role of cells in organisms.". I did not stumble over any grammatical errors. I suggest that instructors pay close attention to review and end-of-chapter questions in this and all textbooks! Examples used early in a chapter may be revisited later in that same chapter as new information is presented, facilitating layering of knowledge and continuity of understanding. This terminology is out-of-date and reinforces student misconceptions of evolutionary change as goal-directed and progressive. Students will have seen much of the necessary content in a year-long introductory sequence, but nonetheless will need reference and reminders on the chemistry of life (Ch 2), biological molecules (Ch 3), cell structure (Ch 4), and membrane function (Ch 5). Overall, I found this to be an exceptional textbook option for the cost. Again, this reinforces student misconceptions and lack of familiarity with fungi, protists, and prokaryotes. WebAnswer Both systems involve chemical messengers that must interact with receptors in order to have an effect. This is a great chance to show the accomplishments of a brilliant woman. Specialized terms are introduced (in bold) and defined, and examples are provided. I liked the fact that there was a glossary of terms in each section, rather than a full glossary at the end of the chapter, because I think it will help students organize the information and help them to understand the material better as a consequence. The text is relevant, and it should remain so for some time. To be fair, all previous texts I have used have had this same student issue because that content is challenging for anyone unfamiliar with Biology. 17. There are no issues with images or charts. The text in that section was correct, but an incorrect figure can easily confuse students who are not familiar with the topic. I think students would grasp the concept better. Reviewed by Ashley Gramza, Instructor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. Have the text as both an online and pdf document is helpful because if student needed to increase the size of the image, they could always look at the other version. The introductory material needs to provide recall or review of previously covered material so that students are not constantly referring back to previous chapters in order to comprehend the new material. While, in general, the amount of detail and depth is also appropriate, the balance of coverage could be improved. Overall, this book provides a mostly adequate resource for teachers who are trying to save on textbook costs. While the textbook appears to be clear to me (someone with a PhD in biology), I wonder if it would be clear to my students? science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. For example, in Chapter 20, phylogenetic trees are discussed before taxonomy. This seems like a great book for freshman because often at that stage the students are interested in science but are unsure of what branch of science they want to go into. Wherever technical jargon is used, it is immediately explained so the reader gets used to field terminology but also understands it. storage carbohydrate in animals. This is often a matter of opinion across Biology professors, so that is not surprising. However, the Art Connection figures, in general, were very low resolution and many appeared blurry and difficult to read. Ie #21s and #10s 1171-2 are covered with weakly explained equations and values in mm Hg. End of chapter problems. Instead, both reactions are below, formatted such that they appear on a single line. Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization from the most inclusive to the least complex level? Sometimes (as in other textbooks) the historical chronology of discovery appears to supersede the relevance as we understand it today. WebTotal Pages Answer Key N/A. The online, open-source nature of the book should allow for content to be refreshed on an as-needed basis. The fact that it is open source textbook, allows it to be readily modified or updated by individual instructors. I think this book is comprehensive for a general biology textbook, but it lacks some depth and breath for some concepts. On page 807, the text states, Based on molecular analysis, vertebrates appear to be more closely related to lancelets (cephalochordates) than to tunicates (urochordates) among the invertebrate chordates. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. This is an example of convection, NOT diffusion. and you must attribute OpenStax. The book is consistent. This video again reinforces the misconception of genetic determinism. The format and terminology are consistent across units and chapters. plants microorganisms birds dinosaurs 5. This book focuses on proper concepts and details, not extraneous stuff. The framework and organization allows this to be a resource that professors could actually use as well. It is not clear what the authors mean by the subheading "Cytokine Release Affect". Is able to cover aspects of biology very well. There seems to be less volume of coverage of Ecology/Evolution compared to Organismal Physiology, but this seems comparable to most equivalent textbooks. The text appears to be very comprehensive. Not having to worry about printing costs per page allows for more freedom and prevents "widowing and orphaning" of paragraphs that don't belong with the rest of the page content. I personally prefer the section-by-section glossary, as students can immediately look up terms, rather than flipping back and forth. However, it is a reality that not all students will be facile with such foundational knowledge, so inclusion of these terms and figures in subsequent chapters reduces compromising student understanding. In another (pg227, alcohol fermentation), the text claims that it is providing the first chemical reaction of alcohol fermentation below. Sources were cited appropriately and they were relatively recent. However, they are inconsistent in the quality of the website links. For example, in Chapter 7 (Cellular Respiration) the section ATP in Living Systems begins with: A living cell cannot store significant amounts of free energy. Thats a great set-up for a paragraph, with the key concept laid bare in clear language! read more. 1 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax 4. I do wish there was more content on plant biology. The content appears to be accurate. No cultural issues were noted in the textbook. Since first looking at this text a year ago, I have been very impressed with the quality and comprehensiveness. Chapter 12 Also, many of the videos are laced with advertisements that a faculty or a student could find offensive. Author (s) OpenStax. I did not notice grammatical errors, although there are occasional typos. If assigning page number it is important to remember that view online page number may not match with PDF version. Since the review prompt asked for me to consider inclusion specifically, I made a point to page through the book, one page at a time, specifically looking for portrayals of human diversity and humans working as biologists/scientists. As such the text was lacking in examples and depicting a diverse cultural tone and images when possible. WebNow, with expert-verified solutions from Biology 2nd Edition, youll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. The interface is acceptable. This would allow the subject matter to be distributed among two or more courses easily. Sample answer: Gatorade contains water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, salt, sodium chloride, monopotassium phosphate, and sucrose acetate isobutyrate. Most chapters have multiple Link to Learning offerings, which are links to an animation or other external resource. An instructor who was teaching with this book would have to be able to create/provide this kind of summary for students on their own or from another source. Furthermore, The external link is no help because it uses a completely different scheme. There is previous knowledge assumed in several chapters that students would not have if entire units of the textbook were skipped or covered out of order. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications. There were very few grammatical errors. You can have multiple cup of coffee with the help of these machines.We offer high-quality products at the rate which you can afford. I tried several times to access the Instructor Power Points that are supposedly available, and I could not get the website to work. glycosidic bond. The book is nicely comprehensive in its overall selection of units and chaptersall the basic components of any standard semester-long or year-long general biology course for majors or a mixed nonmajors/majors audience. Career connection boxes in chapters briefly describe jobs in relation to the chapter topic. There are a few things that pervade the text that I take issue with. This review was collaboratively written by Dr. Heidi Sleister and Dr. Debora Christensen. Each unit is divided into multiple chapters, which are themselves, subdivided into sections with clear headings. As mentioned, there are not long blocks of text that most units and chapters are divided into short, directly linkable chunks. I navigated to TpT to see your store and noticed you had answer keys for reading guides (Chapter 10 I believe) that are not shared here. Granted that the texbook is "inaccurate" with respect to T cell subpopulations (at this detail level), but if one wants to know more about T-cells, then perhaps an Immunology textbook would be more appropriate! The authors linked climate change very clearly to human activity. My students who use the PDF and iBook versions report that they like being able to search for topics. Reviewed by Anthony Arment, Professor of Biology, Central State University on 10/11/18. I believe this is where the instructor comes in to highlight other scientists and contributors to the field. The examples do not seem modern. All areas of introductory biology were covered. Each chapter has the appropriate figures for enhanced learning and understanding. This is a bright spot. I would like to see that section on gas pressure and respiration simplified to its principles with some better (and correctly labeled) graphics. Thanks for sharing the reading guides! The online version features a side menu table of contents with a drop-down option for each unit and chapter, so that one can navigate to individual chapter sections. The book addresses that there is conflict. This is inevitable to some extent in any text, but the editors have some smoothing out to do. On page 65, the text states, Hydrogen bonds are also involved in various recognition processes, such as DNA complementary base pairing and the binding of an enzyme to its substrate, as illustrated in Figure 2.28. The figure illustrates the former, but not the latter. Sections are numbered within chapters, which makes it easier to assign parts of chapters. Reviewed by Jeffrey White, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/22/21, The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. Despite its brevity, the reading is still pretty dense and mostly in paragraph form. However, as with any subject, certain topics in generally biology (e.g. Most chapters within the textbook are clear and relatively easy to read. There is no theme of how science works or is done. I also found the instructor resources to be consistent. This particular information is relatively new in the field of biology, though most of the current discoveries lie in the realm of gene function and would be included in an upper level course. This text, while far from being obsolete, probably needs an update as it was finished in 2018. Art program is adequate but not inspiring. Generally, having so many possible ways to access the material makes the interface exceptionally positive for students. My students who use the PDF and iBook versions report that they like being able to search for topics. The ads might indicate endorsement by a faculty or school for certain corporations for example. I am rating a 4 just based on the fact that I have not read the entire text, nor all the chapters I intend to assign. In the introductory chapters, they are heavily focused on careers relating to health and medicine, but there are a few mentions of professions relating more toward ecology. Is correct in terminology and descriptions. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. =AEN>B`i/TeA! q^E3H6_i7GQA&lgX Most of the images are clear and appropriately arranged. Reviewed by Maria Quintero, Graduate teaching assistant, Florida State University on 11/28/18, This seems like a great book for freshman because often at that stage the students are interested in science but are unsure of what branch of science they want to go into. The text is very well organized and the material flows well. I could probably use them! Reviewed by Dilrukshan Wijesinghe, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College on 2/1/18, The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. hydrophobic and Hydrophobic) were noted in the index. However, I can't say for sure that one order is better than the other for student learning. Biology is an extremely broad subject area to But I applaud the effort and appreciate that they are there to use as I settle in to the new text. It would be nice to have links to the full-sized image. So if you are not trying to differentiate yourself from any of the other general biology textbooks, then the writing in this website doesnt really make a difference in the selection of a textbook. At the end of the chapter, there is a mini glossary, defining key terms that were found throughout the chapter, which will be a nice resource for students. Some of them (Figure 5.11, Figure 18.6) are truly awful. I noted several examples and I am sure that there are many more. Generally, the book is written at a student's level. The sentence structure and vocabulary beyond the scientific terms are simple enough that even ESL college students should be able to glean information. Yes it is but a lack of internal referencing is evident. ions neutrons neutral atoms isotopes 6. The OpenStax Biology book has units and chapters that cover all of the major topics that one would consider for a general or introductory Biology course. The index at the end of the book and the glossary-key terms- at the end of each Terrestrial vertebrates differ in the source of body heat and in the variation in temperature they experience and can tolerate, not in the temperature of their blood. Fungal and protistan cells also have cell walls. No, not all protists have cell walls. The presence of a membrane-enclosed nucleus is a characteristic of ________. The glossary appears comprehensive, however, many duplicates (ie. I never came across anything that looked culturally offensive to this white guy. There is very little discussion of this domain in the text. I didn't see anything that made this book more or less culturally relevant than other texts. I noticed a couple of issues, like introducing a concept before it has been defined or explained. The index at the end of the book and the glossary-key terms- at the end of each chapter are both very comprehensive as well. If so, how? The chemistry chapter and many others have animations to help teach concepts that are better learned through visualizations, but some chapters do not have interactive animations that are very helpful in learning tough concepts like chemical bonding, building a molecule or diffusion and osmosis. The 4 rating is because there isn't the same consistent visual "language" in the illustrations as there is in a commercial textbook. I did look at the OpenStax A&P book and it looked like it would do for the "Animal Form and Function" aspects of introductory biology. Overall, I think it is a good text. Some terms were utilized in strange ways, and I felt some of the definitions could be altered a little to be more precise. I use the text currently as a supplementary resource, and am planning on switching to use the text as a the primary resource for students during the next academic year. The textbook explains very complex topics in a comprehensive manner and appears to be designed for early term biology and associated science majors. The glossary appears comprehensive, however, many duplicates (ie. We have a two part biology series for majors and pre-nursing students that should have a good grounding in biology. Carrying capacity is a feature of a populations environment, not of the population. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. Like most Biology textbooks, this was hit or miss for me. Some of the content, such as mitosis and meiosis, are separated into different chapters, which is different from some of the standard texts used (e.g. Another example occurs in the chapter on cells. I personally prefer navigating a physical text to a pdf, however I have observed that students take naturally to the digital format, and stand to benefit from the convenience of carrying their books digitally wherever they go. There are numerous areas that could be improved, but none that I have seen that stand out as warranting complaint. Additionally, there is a lack of images of people in the text, so I supplement the information presented with "scientist spotlights" to highlight diverse scientists in the wide range of careers available with a Biology degree. Instead, climate change is dealt with separately. The topics are presented in a traditional manner as most biology textbooks. The chapters could be easily reorganized into smaller subunits as needed for a class. Irrespective of the kind of premix that you invest in, you together with your guests will have a whale of a time enjoying refreshing cups of beverage. Furthermore, for students who will only be taking one year of biology, I am confident that using this textbook will give them a broad overview of the field and introduce them to more specific topics that could help them in any major or career. There are a few areas that I am pleasantly surprised by the detail included, but other areas where I am a little surprised to see detail lacking. The paragraphs are small enough to be viewed effortlessly on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet with ease. The depth of content is largely appropriate for a 200-level Biology class. It covers all the topics in sufficient detail for the student to succeed. While not in detail, most of the material covered gives the reader a basic understanding of various biological processes. The organization of the text will allow for easy updating and revision by authors and users. The text is organized in a clear and easy to follow manner and provides formative assessments throughout so that students may gauge their learning. I am seriously considering transitioning to this text from my much more expensive versions that I currently require. Some of the links would not open, such as a video link illustrating the fluidity of membranes. 1 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax 4. I havent noticed any major interface problems with the .pdf or the online version (viewed in Chrome). Acids, but not bases, can change the pH of a solution. THANKS for sharing the Reading Guides! WebPANOPEN + OPENSTAX BIOLOGY ACCESS CODE 17th Edition ISBN: 9781944519766 BIOLOGY 2E 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781506699851 BIOLOGY 13th Edition ISBN: 2810017676413 BIOLOGY FOR AP COURSES (OER) 17th Edition ISBN: 9781947172401 EBK BIOLOGY 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781947172524 Homework Help by Science Subjects I noted quite a few examples of out of date terminology and concepts. The text is clear but perhaps a little dry and sparse. Since the text is foundational, many of the subjects aren't changing rapidly. The contents list expands readily, and the names of the chapters mirrors those in the competitor texts. From photosynthesis: cyclic reaction in photosynthesis, CAM and C4 photosynthetic adaptations, Fate of triose-P after Calvin Cycle, Any regulation of photosynthesis Terminology and organization is consistent. GitHub openstax / cnx-recipes Public Notifications Fork 14 Star 5 Code Issues 81 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights New issue In some cases, the art is overly simplistic, and in others it is difficult to follow the progression of events in a process. Unless you use a third party software to remix, textbook is highly accurate. I did not read any insensitive or offensive language in the chapters I reviewed. bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule. With an introductory-level biology text, it is important to achieve a balance between the length of the text & number of topics and the inclusion of the most recent technological advances. In this reviewer's opinion the modularity followed in this text is very helpful for the intented target student audience students who are freshman non-majors. This is distracting in trying to tie the figure into the associated text. hi, i am a student and i have been using your reading guides to help me with my reading assignments for this book and they have been extremely helpful! Sometimes a link will bring the reader to a website, and not directly to the learning video or animation. read more. read more. On page 242, the discussion of CAM and C4 photosynthesis is far too brief. This reviewer did not notice any jargon being used. (Fig 7.4 claims to show a phosphorylation reaction in which the third phosphate of ATP attaches to a protein. The sentence structure and paragraph flow and logical and easy to follow. The Biology 2e text is comprehensive without being overwhelming and provides a similar organization and logical flow as the previous text. In other instances, particularly later chapters, clarity could be improved with more and/or improved visuals. The chapters are organized into 8 main units. However, The themes of epigenetics, genomic research, non-coding RNA, and CRISPR-Cas gene editing were not discussed and need to be perhaps added on with additional course materials. Other sections are excessively technical and will probably confuse students. I thought many images had a random quality. I noticed no grammatical errors in this chapter, though I have noticed a couple minor typos throughout the book. It includes both the cell biology and organismal biology required of a 2-semester biology post-secondary sequence. There is no superfluous verbiage. There is consistency with the presentation in each of the chapters with the art inserts and the glossary and test questions. This should be fairly easy to accomplish, as the short modular nature of book chapters facilitates continual updates and revisions. The topics that travel into an introductory biology text are topics that are rarely controversial or inadequately supported by scientific vetting. Few chapter, though, like Gene expression might need more detail/clarity. Jumping to the electron transport system is an odd way to start in 7.1. Overall, topics seem to flow nicely within individual chapters and also are appropriately ordered within the larger Units. While there are probably a few more grammatical errors than would be typical for a traditional textbook, I have no problems with the grammar of the text. Updating with new information should be relatively straightforward, but as with all texts, the challenge will be to maintain brevity. The book is well organized and the table of contents is through to allow students the ability to quickly view each topic covered. Text Book is relevant to the western standards. In fact, I would argue that a strength of digital textbooks is the ability to quickly zip from one section to another with a click. The online accessibility allows one to search the contents of the book, making it incredibly easy to navigate. "Connection" sections (except for "Art") were for the most part excellent and bridged concepts with real-world issues. This depth is supplemented by online materials which were not offered by the traditional textbook. With the thorough index, it should be easy for instructors and students to track sections and subsections. Biology 2e works through cellular respiration diligently and thoroughly, making it very useful as a reference text. Core concepts for introductory level college course are addressed in sufficient detail, without overly complicating the material for this audience. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Reviewed by Shalini Upadhyaya, Associate Professor , Reynolds Community College on 2/8/17, After having used the book for majors biology course for the last 4 semester, I have pleased to say that I content is simple yet efficient and effective. Other As noted above, the chapters can be covered in any order as instructors prefer, but the overall outline of the units and chapters fits perfectly with any standard biology course taught over one or two terms. In addition, it streamlines many of the chapters to cover just the essentials, so it is half the length of a publisher textbook. read more. Sanger sequencing is NOT what is used for cheap sequencing today. Clark's Biology 2e (OER) is clear and uses simple language, the topics are present with correct and up-to-date information, and include pertinent visual aids such as diagrams, pictures, and photographs. Organization of the chapters for a biology course that covers: molecules, cells, energy, cell reproduction and genetics, this text follows the conventional organization. Havent noticed any major interface problems with the presentation in each of the short-term of. Hydrophobic ) were for the most part excellent and bridged concepts with real-world issues is the! 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