Energy Experts Now (EEN) and The meeco Group have recently announced having joined forces in the development and installation and operations of solar energy projects in the Dominican Republic.
A decade ago, the Dominican Republic set a goal to be 85% renewable by 2035. Since that date, various large projects have been unveiled, nonetheless the country’s energy efficiency target is in the lower scale yet and many opportunities remain unexplored, particularly in the private and commercial sector. With the very high energy cost affecting businesses and households, the demand to benefit from the free source of energy obtainable from sun, is in-creasing every day. With a yield in the range of 1607 and 1826 kWh/kWp yearly, this is all more reason for the population of the Dominican Republic to harvest the sun.
Caribbean islands offer perfect conditions for renewable energy solutions.
The initiative between EEN and The meeco Group builds on first pilot projects where both par-ties shall cooperate to bring PV installations accessible to the citizens of the Dominican Re-public, through sun2roof, sun2safe, sun2live, sun2flow systems engineered by The meeco Group.
Energy Experts Now was founded by Duane Schumacher in 2009 after spending 30 years in the power industry ending his career as a VP of O&M over 2,000+ MW of power plants in 3 different countries.
Energy Experts Now, is an organization of multicultural, multilingual people dedicated to power generation projects, with expertise in Gas, diesel, HFO, coal, biomass, wind and solar power plants. EEN offers services of power plant start-ups, commissioning, mobilization, training, construction oversight, consulting, CMMS, and operations and maintenance.